Come support Natalie Cline or Monica Wilbur
Caucus this Tuesday, March 5
State Board Meeting this Thursday, March 7
Now is a great time to get involved
If you live in State Board Districts 9 or 10 and are a registered Republican, you can run as a delegate or vote for delegates who will vote for Natalie & Monica at the Republican Conventions in April. First, you’ll want to pre-register for caucus. Learn more about how to participate in caucus. However you participate, you’ll want to make sure you elect delegates who understand constitutional principles and will vote for candidates that will uphold the God-given liberties that our nation depends on to survive.
If you are in District 9 (Bluffdale, Riverton, Herriman, South Jordan, West Jordan, Midvale), you’ll want to run to be a COUNTY DELEGATE if you want to vote for Natalie Cline at the Salt Lake County Convention, Saturday, April 13. Or, give your vote to delegates who will support Natalie.
Learn more about Natalie at NatalieJCline.com.
If you are in District 10 (West Valley/Hunter, Magna, Tooele County, Saratoga Springs, Eagle Mountain), you’ll want to run to be a STATE DELEGATE if you want to vote for Monica Wilbur at the State Convention, Saturday, April 27. Or, give your vote to delegates who will support Monica.
Learn more about Monica at MonicaWilbur.com.
This THURSDAY March 7, 9am is the next state board meeting, we’d love to see a lot of friendly faces there in support of Natalie Cline 🔥🔥🔥WEAR BLUE! PLEASE SHARE with friends.
250 E. 500 S. SALT LAKE CITY ……. Show up as early as 8:30 to get a good seat.
Entrances to parking from both 500 South (westbound) and 600 South (eastbound). Parking validated for free inside USBE building.
Utah State Board Member Natalie Cline is running for re-election in District 9 this year, and would love your support so that she can continue to be the voice for so many Utah children, parents, and teachers who have had their concerns and questions about the school system fall on deaf ears. The following is a letter to her constituents and friends across the state.
Dear Friends, Family, and Patriots,Campaign season is in full swing and due to my relentless efforts on the State Board of Education to expose problems within Utah’s education system, my race is being hotly contested with the entire education establishment, including the woke teacher’s union, Governor, and Lieutenant Governor, coming out and openly campaigning for, donating to, and encouraging others to donate to my opponent making YOUR DONATION to MY CAMPAIGN IS CRUCIAL!
Thank you for standing firmly in support of my tireless efforts to make Utah’s education system transparency and accountability TO PARENTS! Since getting elected in 2020, I have fought relentlessly to protect the innocence of children and their right to abide their consciences in the classroom without fear of retaliation or punishment, including authoring HB348 (2023) that passed with a super majority in the House and unanimously in the Senate!
I have fought to give a voice to parents who are given the run around, and for teachers who feel unheard, and have assisted both in getting their concerns resolved.
My days have been filled with endless research to uncover and understand the big money DEI-aligned contracts and ed tech, the global transformation of education agenda, and the federal and state education regulations and strings that local control. This tsunami of control systems that seek to transform our children’s attitudes, values, beliefs, dispositions, and behaviors around woke ideology and anti-American sentiments are undermining the viability and credibility of our public schools and have become a clear and present danger to the education and well-being of our children, and has compromised the Constitutional foundation of faith, family, and freedom that our country was built on.
“Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” John Adams
Higherground.work was created to house the vast amounts of research myself and Monica Wilbur (monicawilbur.com) have done to distill down the complex set of systems we are up against, so people like you can more quickly understand what to look for so you can better protect your children. This ideological tsunami has hit Utah schools and has devastated far too many children, parents, and teachers alike.
It is up to all of us across the state to understand the depth, breadth, and speed of what is happening and take decisive action to course correct while we still can! The consequences of not acting to STOP this ideological war on children will be tragic.If re-elected to represent USBE District 9, I will continue to speak out on behalf of Utah’s families to move our schools back to a place of sanity and security where a focus on classical academics can once again take center stage in your child’s education.
If you believe in my mission to restore Freedom in Education, or have benefited or appreciated my efforts in the past to educate the public on what is happening in our schools and to stand in the gap to protect the innocence of children and be voice for you and your concerns, please visit nataliejcline.com today and DONATE! Your generous gift of $25, $50, $100, $250, or $500 is greatly appreciated and will give our campaign the tremendous boost it needs to help win in the June primary election and again in November’s general election. Please send family, friends and neighbors to my campaign website nataliejcline.com to learn more, share posts from my Facebook page on your social media accounts, request a yard sign, or sign up to volunteer.
Natalie Cline
Candidate for State Board of Education, District 9
Dear friends and everyone else who wants a return to normalcy in our schools,
I’m a lifelong Utahn, a former English teacher & Debate coach, a mom to four beautiful children, and a candidate for State Board 10. The topic of education is close to my heart & mind.
Over the past 2.5 years I’ve spent thousands of volunteer hours researching, writing & discussing policies that impact Utah’s children, families, and teachers, while studying the state board and Utah’s education system in depth. Much of this research has been done with my good friend and colleague Natalie Cline. We’ve done good, singular work—work that has been used to inform not only policy statewide, but that has been recognized by school reform advocates from New Hampshire, California, Arizona, Alabama, Alaska, Minnesota, and so on. The main takeaway from these efforts is that the state board and the policies, programs, and practices they push are what is standing in the way of our children becoming the inspired, informed, intelligent, and independent individuals they deserve the opportunity to be.
This means our education system needs a course correction, starting at the top, starting yesterday. But since yesterday is out of the question, now is the time to act.
My main focus on the board will be: prioritizing academics first, respecting conscience in school, restoring schools’ proper & limited role, and protecting children from exploitation. Education must refocus on foundational truths that have made America the hope & light of the free world.
If you’d like to donate to or volunteer with my campaign, please check out monicawilbur.com.
Thank you, and Godspeed,
Monica Wilbur
Candidate, State Board of Education, District 10
Paid for by Natalie Cline For State Board & Monica Wilbur For State Board
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