Sometimes parents get so frustrated with public schools that they become desperate for solutions. This is completely understandable. Public, or government-run schools, are declining on multiple fronts, and our …
The Hope Scholarship Program Bill will be going through the House Taxation and Revenue committee TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 15, @ 8:00 am. CALL TO ACTION: CLICK HERE to EMAIL THE HOUSE …
What is the Utah State Board of Education’s ACEESS committee and why should you care? In 2016, the USBE made a resolution to form ACEESS (pronounced “ak-cess”), the Advisory Committee …
The idea of “school choice” has a certain lure to it. Who doesn’t want more choice in where and how our kids become educated? Utah’s public school performance is in a …
In September 2021, the Utah State Board of Education staff drafted a document entitled Understanding Gender Identity to Better Support Students, with some lofty goals of offering educators and administrators …
There’s a lot of conversation about school choice right now in Utah. Our state is a bit of an outlier in that families have wide latitude in sending their kids …
Granite School District is telling parents that the ONLY way they’re going to get a respirator or mask exemption for their kids is to come into the schools to fill …
Recently the Davis School District has come under fire for what is being portrayed as rampant, systemic racism in its schools. No one is defending Davis School District leadership. The …